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We now offer you the possibility to get the product demo videos directly to your inbox to be watched whenever convenient for you.
In the short and sweet 15-minute product demos, our Director of Global Sales and Customer Care, Juho Ojuva explains what benefits food producers get to enjoy when equipping their packaging lines with X-ray inspection.
These demos were originally presented at the PACK EXPO Connects 2020 virtual show, but we wanted to make them available for all our customers without the need to register on a third-party website.
Scroll down to read more about each product demo and sign up to receive the on-demand video links directly to your inbox!

How to increase food traceability with primary packaging inspection?
In our first product demo, we talk about a trendy subject of food traceability but this time from the primary packaging inspection point-of-view:
- How inspecting single food packages enables full transparency and traceability?
- Why utilize X-ray Critical Control Point as a traceability point in food production?
- And how to do this cost and space efficiently?
In the video, we also introduce you to the upgraded MEKI ONE X-ray system. This Critical Control Point brings food manufacturers a piece of mind by creating a transparent audit trail and monitoring that every single non-conforming product is rejected from the food production with 100% certainty.
Receive product demo directly to your inbox!
After signing up, you will shortly receive an email with a link to our Increase Food Traceability with Primary Packaging X-ray Inspection product demo.
In this short 15-minute product demo, you will be demonstrated why X-ray as a Critical Control Point works as a great traceability point in food production.

How the ‘Dual Focal Spot’ X-ray will change tall packaging inspection?
In the second product demo, we will showcase the ‘Dual Focal Spot’ X-ray inspection concept, as well as introduce the SIDEMEKI system to you in more detail. We answer questions such as:
- What type of product requires a “side-shooting” X-ray system
- What benefits does the Dual Focal Spot X-ray system provide
In the video, we introduce you to the new ‘Dual Focal Spot’ concept that brings the inspection of taller-than-wider food packages to a new level by offering better detection performance for the complete food product.

Receive product demo directly to your inbox!
After signing up, you will shortly receive an email with a link to our How ‘Dual Focal Spot’ X-ray Will Change Tall Packaging Inspection product demo.
In this short 15-minute product demo, you will be demonstrated the benefits of having two X-ray focal spots when inspecting taller-than-wider food packages.