Learn the new way of food safety
The first Mekitec webinar introduces you to the primary packaging X-ray inspection strategy, starting from the differences between inspecting bulk/unpacked, primary packaging, and secondary packaging. After watching the webinar, you will learn how food producers can get the most out of their Critical Control Points, and why choosing a primary packaging X-ray inspection provides the most efficient results in terms of food safety & quality inspection, but also in traceability and system performance.
Event Details
On-demand – watch whenever you like!
Juho Ojuva – Vice President, Commercial Operations

Get the Best Value from Your CCP
There are multiple reasons why installing an X-ray system to inspect the primary packaged products is much more beneficial and efficient.
Mekitec has made X-ray inspection truly accessible for small and large food producers alike, offering better inspection performance and best value for your investment – now, there is no more need for compromises in food quality control!
Download our eBook to learn how to take your CCP to the next level and achieve better detection performance in your food production.
E-book: How to get the best value from a Critical Control Point